Ecommerce Shopify WordPress Discussion

Ajax wordpress : The data is not transmitted to the template

In my wordpress website I try to display posts after a category click. This is my JS function : function loading_posts_categories($) { $('#categories a').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var category = $(this).data('category'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: adminAjax.ajax_url, data: { action: 'fetch_posts_by_category', category: category, }, success: function (response) { var container = $('#posts-container'); container.hide(); container.html(response.template).fadeIn(); }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { console.log( xhr.responseText ); } }); }); }; And this is my php function : function fetch_posts_by_category() { if (empty($_POST['category'])) { wp_send_json_error('Category not provided.'); } $category = sanitize_text_field($_POST['category']); $posts = get_posts([ 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'category_name' => $category, ]); ob_start(); //require get_template_directory() . '/template-parts/template-posts-container.php'; get_template_part('template-parts/template-posts-container', null, [ 'custom_posts' => $posts ] ); $template_content = ob_get_clean(); wp_send_json([ 'template' => $template_content, ] ); die(); } I have this template template-posts-container.php : <div id="posts-container"> <?php foreach ($custom_posts as $post): ?> <h2><?php echo esc_html($post['title']); ?></h2> <div class="post-content"><?php echo wp_kses_post($post['content']); ?></div> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> And this is my template called template-posts (how can I do the link between this template and template-posts-container ?). This is this template who is display on my page. <?php $categories = get_categories(); ?> <div id="categories"> <ul> <?php foreach ($categories as $category) : ?> <li><a href="#" data-category="<?= $category->slug; ?>"><?= $category->name; ?></a></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> </div> <div id="years-container"></div> My problem : When I dump the posts into my PHP function I get all the posts according to category displayed correctly. However, the template remains empty. I can't pass my posts to my template. Where is the problem ? Thanks a lot for help
Here is your modify template-posts-container.php temaplte code, You should try <div id="posts-container"> <?php foreach ($custom_posts as $post): setup_postdata($post); ?> <h2><?php echo esc_html(get_the_title($post)); ?></h2> <div class="post-content"><?php echo wp_kses_post(get_the_content(null, false, $post)); ?></div> <?php endforeach; wp_reset_postdata(); ?> </div> setup_postdata($post) to set up global post data. This allows you to use template tags like get_the_title() and get_the_content(). get_the_title($post) and get_the_content(null, false, $post) are used to fetch the title and content of each post.

December 30, 2023

<?php extract($args); ?> <div id="posts-container"> <?php foreach ($custom_posts as $post): ?> <?php echo $post->post_title; ?> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> In the template. Saved the problem.

December 30, 2023

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