Ecommerce Shopify WordPress Discussion

Add a select field below Local Pickup Shipping Method in WooCommerce

I am trying to implement a feature in WooCommerce. I have two shipping methods. The default is a Flat rate, and the other one is Local pickup. When the local pickup shipping method is selected, I want to display a select dropdown below it. If the flat rate shipping method is selected again, the select dropdown should be hidden. I have tried the following approach to achieve this functionality, but it hasn't worked: Regardless of whether I choose the local pickup shipping method or not, the select dropdown always displays function add_custom_select_box($method, $index) { if ($method->method_id == 'local_pickup') { echo '<select name="local_pickup_store" id="local_pickup_store" onchange="updateSelectedStore()"> <option value="choose_store">choose store</option> <option value="store1">store1</option> <option value="store2">store2</option> </select>'; echo '<div id="selected_store_info"></div>'; } } add_action('woocommerce_after_shipping_rate', 'add_custom_select_box', 10, 2); function save_local_pickup_store($order) { if (isset($_POST['local_pickup_store'])) { $local_pickup_store = sanitize_text_field($_POST['local_pickup_store']); $order->update_meta_data('_local_pickup_store', $local_pickup_store); } } add_action('woocommerce_checkout_create_order', 'save_local_pickup_store'); function display_local_pickup_store($order) { $local_pickup_store = $order->get_meta('_local_pickup_store'); if ($local_pickup_store) { echo '<p><strong>store:</strong> ' . esc_html($local_pickup_store) . '</p>'; } } add_action('woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_billing_address', 'display_local_pickup_store'); add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_local_pickup_script'); function custom_local_pickup_script() { ?> <script> function updateSelectedStore() { var selectedStore = document.getElementById('local_pickup_store').value; var selectedStoreInfo = document.getElementById('selected_store_info'); if (selectedStore !== 'choose_store') { selectedStoreInfo.innerHTML = '<p><strong>Selected Store:</strong> ' + selectedStore + '</p>'; } else { selectedStoreInfo.innerHTML = ''; } } </script> <?php }
Using dynamic styling will allow you to show hide your select field… I have revised completely your code. It will work only in checkout page. I have added validation to that custom field too. // Displays a select field on Local pickup checkout shipping method add_action('woocommerce_after_shipping_rate', 'display_select_store_field'); function display_select_store_field( $method ) { if (is_checkout() && ! is_wc_endpoint_url() && $method->method_id == 'local_pickup') { echo '<div class="pickup_store"> <select id="local_pickup_store" name="local_pickup_store"> <option value="">'.__('choose store', 'woocommerce').'</option> <option value="'.__('Store 1', 'woocommerce').'">'.__('Store 1 (one)', 'woocommerce').'</option> <option value="'.__('Store 2', 'woocommerce').'">'.__('Store 2 (two)', 'woocommerce').'</option> </select> <div class="selected_store"></div></div>'; } } // Select field validation add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_validation', 'select_store_field_validation', 10, 2 ); function select_store_field_validation( $data, $errors ) { $chosen_shipping_methods = WC()->session->get('chosen_shipping_methods'); $chosen_shipping_method = reset($chosen_shipping_methods); if ( strpos($chosen_shipping_method, 'local_pickup') !== false && isset($_POST['local_pickup_store']) && empty($_POST['local_pickup_store']) ) { $errors->add( 'pickup_store_error', __( 'Please select a Pickup Store.', 'woocommerce' ), 'error' ); } } // Save select field value add_action('woocommerce_checkout_create_order', 'save_select_store_field_value'); function save_select_store_field_value( $order ) { $chosen_shipping_methods = WC()->session->get('chosen_shipping_methods'); $chosen_shipping_method = reset($chosen_shipping_methods); if ( strpos($chosen_shipping_method, 'local_pickup') !== false && isset($_POST['local_pickup_store']) ) { $order->update_meta_data('_local_pickup_store', esc_attr($_POST['local_pickup_store'])); } } // Display select field value in admin orders add_action('woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_billing_address', 'display_local_pickup_store'); function display_local_pickup_store($order) { $local_pickup_store = $order->get_meta('_local_pickup_store'); if ( ! empty($local_pickup_store) ) { echo '<p><strong>Store:</strong> ' . $local_pickup_store . '</p>'; } } // Inline CSS (on checkout page) add_action('wp_head', 'local_pickup_store_inline_css'); function local_pickup_store_inline_css() { if ( is_checkout() && ! is_wc_endpoint_url() ) : ?> <style>body.lp_store_off .pickup_store{display:none;}</style> <?php endif; } // Inline JQuery (on checkout page) add_action('woocommerce_checkout_init', 'local_pickup_store_inline_js'); function local_pickup_store_inline_js() { wc_enqueue_js("const shippingMethodSel = '#shipping_method input[type=radio]'; var chosenSMethodVal = $(shippingMethodSel+':checked').val(); // On start after DOM is loaded if (chosenSMethodVal.indexOf('local_pickup') == -1 && ! $(document.body).hasClass('lp_store_off') ) { $(document.body).addClass('lp_store_off'); } // On Shipping method change $(document.body).on( 'change', shippingMethodSel, function() { chosenSMethodVal = $(this).val(); if (chosenSMethodVal.indexOf('local_pickup') == -1 && ! $(document.body).hasClass('lp_store_off') ) { $(document.body).addClass('lp_store_off'); } else if (chosenSMethodVal.indexOf('local_pickup') != -1 && $(document.body).hasClass('lp_store_off') ) { $(document.body).removeClass('lp_store_off'); } }); // On Pickup Store select change (Displays the selected Store below) $(document.body).on( 'change', '#local_pickup_store', function() { $('div.selected_store').html($(this).val()); });"); } Code goes in functions.php file of your child theme (or in a plugin). Tested and works.

January 7, 2024

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