WordPress edit.php URL orderby parameter ignored when cat filter is specified

Does anybody know why posts cannot be sorted by date when the 'cat' query parameters is specified in the URL? Note that this is not an issue when the category is filtered using the categories filter menu on the page, only when cat is specified in the url. e.g. https://mywebsite.com/edit.php?cat=9&orderby=date&order=desc Please note that this is not the real URL. I am including it here as an example. If cat is specified in the URL, then not only is the orderby and order parameter ignored, the sort arrows within the post list header don't function either. Everything works fine if I don't include cat in the URL. EDIT: I have added the following figure to help illustrate the issues. Note that even though the order parameter value is desc and the order by is date, the posts are sorted in ascending date order. Note that cat=9 corresponds to the "Events" category. I have circled in red the sort buttons. These do nothing if cat is part of the URL parameter list.

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