Shopify ZIP condition for multi ZIP

I wanted to point out that I'm not a programmer and it's probably a simple thing but I can't. This function for sending a NEW order WORKS for a zip/zip: {% if == '09036' %} SU{{ name }} {% else %} {{ shipping_address.province_code }}{{ name }} {% endif %} But if I want to add many more postcodes, what should I do? I wrote like this but it doesn't work: {% if == '09036''09037' %} SU{{ name }} {% else %} {{ shipping_address.province_code }}{{ name }} {% endif %} Thanks a simple answer for solve my problem

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Jese Leos

August 19, 2024

Verified user

Go ahead and give this a shot. {% assign zipCodes_list = "09036, 09037" | split: ", " %} {% if zipCodes_list contains %} SU{{ name }} {% else %} {{ shipping_address.province_code }}{{ name }} {% endif %} What we're doing is assigning a zipCodes_list variable as a string with your zip codes split by commas since we can't actually instantiate an array natively in liquid. However, by using | split: ", " -- we can turn that string into an array that we can use with the contains check. By checking if the is one of the one accepted in the list, we can then determine whether or not we want to show the SU here. Hope this helps!

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