I am trying to connect an application of mine in nuxt 3 with shopify. I initially created an app in Shopify and set up API Admin and Storefront API Integration. I then installed nuxt-graphql-client on my project and configured the nuxt.config as follows: export default defineNuxtConfig({ devtools: { enabled: true }, colorMode: { preference: "light", }, postcss: { plugins: { tailwindcss: {}, autoprefixer: {}, }, }, runtimeConfig: { public: { "graphql-client": { clients: { default: { host: process.env.SHOPIFY_DOMAIN, token: { name: "X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token", value: process.env.SHOPIFY_STOREFRONT_TOKEN, type: null, }, retainToken: true, }, }, }, }, }, css: ["~/assets/css/main.scss"], modules: [ "@nuxt/image", "nuxt-icon", "nuxt-swiper", "@nuxt/ui", "@nuxtjs/i18n", "nuxt-graphql-client", ], }); I set up the .env file as follows SHOPIFY_DOMAIN=https:///admin/api/2024-04/graphql.json SHOPIFY_STOREFRONT_ACCESS_TOKEN= I got the token from API Credentials > Storefront API Access Token. After starting the project it generated the following error Failed to load schema from https:///admin/api/2024-04/graphql.json: