I want same animation as like in video for image over and click on price and duration in wordpress

I am facing issues with same animation in WordPress, I want same animation as like in video for image over and click on price and duration. I have attached the video so that you can check. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hvrUPxrh7L8Ay-cn6A3zRMYgjHXmpjsD/view?usp=sharing Please if it is possible to find out same animation then answer it, please Here is the Code: […]

Adding schema.org data to breadcrumb

I am using Breadcrumb NavXT and Filter Everything. I am trying to add the product category name to the trail for a custom archive page (not taxonomy archive) I was able to do something utilizing breadcrumb author’s example (https://mtekk.us/archives/guides/add-a-static-breadcrumb-to-the-breadcrumb-trail/) and filter author's function. Here is my code: add_action('bcn_after_fill', 'my_static_breadcrumb_adder'); function my_static_breadcrumb_adder($breadcrumb_trail) { $output = flrt_selected_filter_terms(); […]

How to create a template for custom post types?

I have a lot of custom post types created with acf. When searched, there are results thanks to acf better search. I created single-{}.php in my child theme to show details of the post clicked. But I can't get the field details on it. Codes like this arent working(have_posts() alsways returning false): <?php if (have_posts()) […]

Randomize pages on WordPress

I'm trying to make the featured module on my website (www.twohitgames.net) under the news (in grey and a photo on the left) always launch a random page every time you enter. I've found the function but I can't get it to be random. I've found the slug id of the category, in my case 53, […]

How to Remove Menu Items in WordPress

I am trying to remove some menu items for my ShopManager to simplify her admin portal and also restrict access to certain features. I managed to remove some items from the Woocommerce menu. However, for some reason I am unable to remove items from the Bookings menu. I would like to remove the following menu […]