Liquid's Ceil/Floor Filters on a Variable Not Working as Expected

I'm facing a weird issue that I can't get past. Context: I have some metaobjects setup for product reviews and product metafields which reference reviews corresponding to that product. I'm trying to display the reviews on the front-end using a custom liquid section. I am able to access the data but am facing a very weird issue when working with the rating data. The rating field is set up using a rating type metafield, so its value if fetched using something like {{ review.rating.value }}. I'm looping over all the reviews for a product and displaying the reviews' data, like so: {% for review in %} <article class="review-wrapper"> <div class="review-rating"> {% assign rating = review.rating.value %} {% assign ratingCeil = rating|ceil %} {% for star in (1..ratingCeil) %} <span class="rating-star"></span> {% endfor %} </div> <p class="review-text"> {{ }} </p> <p class="author-text"> {{ }} </p> </article> {% endfor %} I'm facing a problem with the following section of code: {% assign rating = review.rating.value %} {% assign ratingCeil = rating|ceil %} {% for star in (1..ratingCeil) %} <span class="rating-star"></span> {% endfor %} Let's assume that the rating for a review is 4.2 (I've kept the field user-editable so that value could be any decimal even though it doesn't make sense for a single review). In this case, the value of review.rating.value|ceil should be 5. However, for me, it is showing up as 0. If I directly output {{ 4.2|ceil }} or even {{ "4.2"|ceil }} to test, it gives the correct answer but not when I pass it into a variable like above. I just cannot understand what is going on here. It's making me lose my mind a little. Any help on this front will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. PS: The same thing is happening if I use the floor filter.

Comment (1)

Jese Leos

August 19, 2024

Verified user

Possibly an issue with the field value not considered as an integer but a string. You might try this: {% assign rating = review.rating.value | plus:0 %}

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