Link to page with specific filter applied

I'm trying to generate a link to a page with a specific filter applied. This is the link to my Elementor (wordpress) page I'm working on: I need a link that can have the content filter "Blog" active. The filter widget is provided by Unlimited Elements for Elementor. I tried with standard typo /?category=blog but it doesn't work. From inspecting the page, I believe this is the relevant code: <option value="2262" class="uc-select-filter__option " data-id="2262" data-type="term" data-slug="blog" data-taxonomy="category" data-title="Blog" data-key="term|category|blog"> Blog </option>

Comment (1)

Jese Leos

August 10, 2024

Verified user

You will need to add additional js script to detect if there is ucterms parameter. The script will detect ucterms in your url and simulate like someone is clicking on "by content type" dropdown and selects blog. Link example $(document).ready(function() { var params = new URLSearchParams(; if(params.has('ucterms')) { var term = params.get('ucterms').split(':'); if(term[0] === 'category' && term[1]) { var categorySlug = term[1]; var $select = $('.uc-select-filter__select'); $select.val($select.find('option[data-slug="'+categorySlug+'"]').val()).trigger('change'); } } }); The script is tested and filters trough the inspector console.

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