How to pass custom attributes in cartCreate mutation in shopify graphql?

I want to pass other properties of product like Height/width and uploaded image url but there is no proper documentation for it this is mutation mutation { cartCreate( input: { lines: [ { attributes: [ { key: "id", value: "gid://shopify/Product/9895276099" }, { key: "title", value: "Heart Handle Photo Mug" }, { key: "size", value: "Heart Handle Photo Mug" }, { key: "Upload Image", value: "" } ], quantity: 1, merchandiseId: "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/36607622083"}]} ) { cart { id createdAt updatedAt lines(first: 10) { edges { node { id quantity merchandise { ... on ProductVariant { id title price { amount currencyCode } image { id originalSrc } } } attributes { key value } } } } attributes { key value } estimatedCost { totalAmount { amount currencyCode } subtotalAmount { amount currencyCode } totalTaxAmount { amount currencyCode } totalDutyAmount { amount currencyCode } } buyerIdentity { email phone customer { id } countryCode } discountCodes { code } } userErrors { code field message } } } I want to pass extra attributes like to get height/width/image url and placing order so i can get details of extra parameters in order list { key: "Upload Image", value: "" } but this uploaded image is not showing after place order in shopify

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You’ll be in good company