I want to change date from AD date to solar date in the WordPress of the plugin file editor. In which plugin file I can do this ? I looked for the file jet_engine.php but I didn't understand how to change it . Some people said that it is impossible to do this because the plugin is not original, but I use the original version
Jese Leos
September 27, 2024
Verified user
Add Custom Code in functions.php: add_filter('jet-engine/listings/dynamic-field/date', 'convert_to_jalali_date', 10, 3); function convert_to_jalali_date($output, $settings, $field) { if (!empty($field) && $field['type'] == 'date') { $output = jdate('Y/m/d', strtotime($output)); // Convert to Jalali date } return $output; } Install WP-Jalali plugin for Jalali date conversion. Add a filter in your theme’s functions.php to convert JetEngine dates using jdate().