Change Dokan Store Slug and Store Listing Slug

I am using dokan wordpress marketplace and i want to change default slug of dokan on store and store listing page i have tried following code but it is not woking. Is there any other way to change it. For Store URL function marcuss_store_url( $rewrite ) { $rewrite['store'] = 'seller'; return $rewrite; } add_filter( 'dokan_get_option_store_url', 'marcuss_store_url' ); For Store Listing Page function marcus_store_listing_url( $url ) { return str_replace( 'store-listing', 'sellers', $url ); } add_filter( 'dokan_store_listing_url', 'marcus_store_listing_url' ); I have created above 2 functions in the functions.php file but not working is there any issue on these above both functions or is there any other way to change it.

Comment (1)

Jese Leos

September 21, 2024

Verified user

You need to modify the hooks you are using in the code. First Code : Please use dokan_store_slug instead of dokan_get_option_store_url hook. Second Code : Please use dokan_get_option_store_listing_slug instead of dokan_store_listing_url hook.

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