Adding data to breadcrumb

I am using Breadcrumb NavXT and Filter Everything. I am trying to add the product category name to the trail for a custom archive page (not taxonomy archive) I was able to do something utilizing breadcrumb author’s example ( and filter author's function. Here is my code: add_action('bcn_after_fill', 'my_static_breadcrumb_adder'); function my_static_breadcrumb_adder($breadcrumb_trail) { $output = flrt_selected_filter_terms(); $w1 = array_keys($output)[0]; $x1 = $output[$w1]["values"][0]; $y1 = get_term_by('slug', $x1, 'product_cat'); $z1 = $y1->name; if (isset($z1)) { $new_breadcrumb1 = new bcn_breadcrumb($z1, NULL, array('home'), get_site_url() . '/e-shop/' . $w1 . '-' . $x1, NULL, true); array_splice($breadcrumb_trail->breadcrumbs, -4, 0, array($new_breadcrumb1)); } } My only problem is that I cannot add the extra trail part to data (itemListElement->name). Still shows ‘E-SHOP’. It should be the category name.

Comment (1)

Jese Leos

September 19, 2024

Verified user

We can achieve the expected output by adding the custom breadcrumb to the breadcrumb trail and also updating the data. add_action( 'bcn_after_fill', 'my_static_breadcrumb_adder' ); function my_static_breadcrumb_adder($breadcrumb_trail) { $output = flrt_selected_filter_terms(); if ( empty( $output ) ) { return; } $w1 = array_keys( $output )[0]; $x1 = $output[$w1]['values'][0]; $y1 = get_term_by( 'slug', $x1, 'product_cat' ); $z1 = $y1->name; if ( isset( $z1 ) ) { $new_breadcrumb1 = new bcn_breadcrumb( $z1, NULL, array('taxonomy', 'product_cat' ), get_term_link( $y1 ), NULL, true ); array_splice( $breadcrumb_trail->breadcrumbs, -1, 0, array( $new_breadcrumb1 ) ); // Here we have updated data. $position = count( $breadcrumb_trail->breadcrumbs ); $breadcrumb_trail->add( new bcn_breadcrumb( $z1, NULL, array( 'taxonomy', 'product_cat' ), get_term_link( $y1 ), NULL, true, $position ) ); } }

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