This is in snippets/tab.liquid {%- liquid assign output_tab = true if title == blank and content == blank assign output_tab = false endif -%} {%- if output_tab -%} <div class="collapsibles-wrapper collapsibles-wrapper--border-bottom"> <button type="button" class="label collapsible-trigger collapsible-trigger-btn collapsible-trigger-btn--borders collapsible--auto-height{% if force_open %} is-open{% endif %}" aria-controls="Product-content-{{ id }}" {% if force_open %}aria-expanded="true"{% endif %}> {{ title }} {%- render 'collapsible-icons' -%} </button> <div id="Product-content-{{ id }}" class="collapsible-content collapsible-content--all{% if force_open %} is-open{% endif %}" {% if force_open %}style="height: auto;"{% endif %}> <div class="collapsible-content__inner rte"> {{ content }} This is the code that I have added {% assign image_url = product.metafields.custom.fit_guide_image %} {% if image_url != blank %} <img src="{{ image_url.value | image_url }}"> {% endif %} on the tabs, the image appears in every tab </div> </div> </div> {%- endif -%} This is snippets/product-template.liquid {%- when 'tab' -%} {% assign tab_id = | append: %} {% capture tab_content %} {{ block.settings.content }} {{ }} {% endcapture %} {% unless tab_content == blank and block.settings.title == blank %} <div class="product-block product-block--tab tansyo2" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}> {%- render 'tab', id: tab_id, title: block.settings.title, content: tab_content -%} </div> {% endunless %} I just want it to show on that particular tab, because currently it shows on all tabs, anyone please help